The following sororities have been created by Elite Subs who have graduated from Kinky Sub Academy with honors. Elite Subs have the ability to create their own home based sorority with the ability to recruit and allow other Academy Subs all across the country to pledge. Sororities are comprised of subs who share similar interest in certain kinks and fetishes.
Sororities are intended to further BDSM Education, networking, and to form a sisterhood bond with other like minded subs that can relate to one another. Only subs who have completed the 1st phase semester can pledge. A sub can only pledge to 1 sorority so choose wisely. Sorority Subs communicate with each other daily in private group chats and social media.
Sororities have traditional meetups and gatherings throughout the year at kink events and Bdsm conventions.
Here is a current list of Academy Sororities. More detailed information will be given to qualified subs to determine which Sorority is best for them.